How we create trust.

Learn more about the digital-trust services that Confido offers through its subsidiaries. Our services are all certified according to digital-trust standards (ETSI, ISO) and trust-service regulation of the European Union (eIDAS).

eHerkenning (eID)

Reliable digital authentication for organisations’ employees

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Registered Email

Legal evidence of sent and received e-mail

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Secure Email

Ensure that your confidential e-mail is delivered securely to the intended addressee while protected against theft, alteration and misuse.

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Digital Signature

Legal evidence of consensus, between you and your digital counterpart

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Large File Transfer

Large files are securely delivered to the intended addressee, protected against theft, alteration and misuse

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PKIoverheid (eID)

Digital authentication with highest level of assurance for communicating with Dutch public authorities

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Power of Attorney Register

Obtain information about the legal authorisation of natural persons to act on behalf of organisations

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Prove to your customers that your services and business processes are up to standard

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Encryption protects your valuable data.

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Key Management

Encryption and Key Management are inextricably linked.

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Hardware Security Module (HSM)

Strict security of encryption keys in hardware

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Why you can trust us: role of certification.

A key aspect of inspiring trust to our customers is that our systems, processes and staff are regularly audited by independent third parties. Certification of our platforms and accreditation of our organisations provides certainty that our services are fully compliant with applicable international standards and EU regulation.

Compliant and legally robust. Across the European Union.

Our digital trust services are based on European standards and -regulation. This means that wherever you are in the EU, your digital transactions are legally compliant in every country of the EU.





